Can't make a meeting or have a general question or concern? Please leave us a message below. All messages will be sent to the STAR student email.
2024-25 Leadership Team
Accountability Officer -- Tori Carroll
Activities and Team Building Committee -- Owen Tanner and Sophia Thomsen
Finance, Fundraising & Snacks -- Josh Blaha & Brian Zhang
Membership and Training Committee -- Abby Forbes & Ava Van Epps
Social Media and Marketing Committee -- Macin Freed & Olivia Bell
Visit Day Chair-- Sabrina Hazuka
STAR Advisors
Michelle Danielson (319) 335-1560
Ellie Evans (319) 335-0537
Kate Bolton (319) 467-4669
Sheila Schechinger (319) 335-1566 Hawkeye Hosts
Susan Dickinson (319-335-1922) Honors Hosts